Start with Hello Week September 24-28

Social isolation is the overwhelming feeling of being left out, lonely or treated like you are invisible. Young people who feel this way may pull away from society, struggle with learning and social development, or choose to hurt themselves or others.

Start with Hello Week” is September 24-28th. This national event is to help empower students to be more socially inclusive and connected to each other. This event brings attention to the growing epidemic of social isolation in our schools and communities and teaches young people to create a culture of inclusion and connectedness within their school.

This program enables students to make a difference with their peers in a simple, fun, and impactful way by encouraging them to take small but powerful actions to promote connectedness and inclusion, and to identify and help others who are showing signs of social isolation.

Cheltenham Elementary is proudly participating this year.  Please share if your school is participating and share the activities they have planned.
