A State Representative McCarter’s First Senior Fair.  Representative McCarter’s first senior fair was held at Beth Sholom on Old York Road in Elkins Park on Monday September 30 th from 10:00 a.m. to noon . The Cheltenham NAACP Branch and 74 other community exhibitors including state and local agencies and healthcare providers were there to provide information and answer questions. The free event provided seniors with educational materials and literature on the issues that were important to them. The event was well attended.

Seniors who stopped by the NAACP exhibit had a chance to see a video about the history of the NAACP, received information about the goals and objectives of the organization. They also received a list of committees they could join. Approximately 22 seniors requested membership applications and signed up to be on the NAACP mailing list. If you are a senior or know a senior or know someone that knows a senior or will be a senior someday, make sure that you join us next year. Your participation is very important. For more information see the video

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