Criminal Justice Committee
The goal of the NAACP Criminal Justice Committee is to advocate for and advance a better public safety system that reduces the reliance on prisons as means of solving social problems, advances effective law enforcement and removes barriers to voting and employment for formerly incarcerated people. The Criminal Justice Department will accomplish its goal in ways that is responsive to individual needs and builds stronger families and communities.
Finance Committee
Studies and manages the financial needs of the Branch and responsible for drafting an adequate annual budget.
Press and Publicity Committee
The Press and Publicity Committee seeks to endeavor to secure publicity for the work of the Branch and the Association in the local press and on radio, television and other media. They also attempt to interest persons in charge of local news media on conditions affecting minority groups and lastly seek to counteract derogatory and erroneous statements in local news media about Blacks and other minority groups.

Education Committee
The Education Committee seeks to eliminate segregation and other discriminatory practices in public education; studies local educational conditions affecting minority groups; investigates the public school system and school zoning; and familiarizes itself with textbook material there from which is racially derogatory; seeks to stimulate school attendance; keeps itself informed of school conditions and strive to correct abuses where found; and aims to be a center of popular education on the race question and on the work of the Association.

Legal Redress Committee
The Legal Redress Committee is responsible for establishing a process for the receipt and handling of complaints filed with the Branch. It reviews and investigates complaints filed with the Branch or received from the Executive Committee.

Youth Work Committee
The Youth Work Committee develops and coordinates the programs of the senior and youth groups.

Scholarship Committee
Scholarship Committee is committed to making higher education opportunities available for graduating high school seniors from Cheltenham, Jenkintown, Springfield , and Plymouth Whitemarsh High Schools. Through our Essay Scholarship Program, we have been able to make a positive impact on the lives of the students in our community.

Communications Committee
The Communications Committee shall seek to promote media content consistent with fundamental NAACP goals which include the elimination of racial isolation and fear and the furtherance of multiracial and cultural understanding.

Political Action Committee
The Political Action Committee seeks to: (1) increase registration and voting; (2) work for the enactment of municipal, state and federal legislation designed to improve the educational, political and economic status of minority groups; (3) seek the repeal of racially discriminatory legislation; (4) work to improve the administration of justice; (5) work to secure equal enforcement of the law; (6) keep the National Office and the Branch informed of all proposed legislation which affects minority groups. The Committee shall be nonpartisan and shall not endorse candidates for public office.

Membership Committee
The Membership Committee works throughout the year to maintain and increase the membership of the Association; is responsible for planning and organizing the annual membership campaign; and is responsible on a continuous basis for soliciting new members and for securing renewals.

Healthcare Committee
The Health Care Committee works to promote, protect and maintain the health of African Americans; access the health needs of the community; advocate for equal access to health education, care, treatment and research for all American; sponsor health-related activities such as health forums, fairs, and workshops highlighting issues of importance to people of color; and support health initiatives of the Association.

Freedom Fund Committee
The Freedom Fund Committee plans and conducts fund-raising activities, including entertainment and other projects, for local and national purposes within the scope of the Association’s program.

Religious Affairs Committee
The Religious Affairs Committee promotes an educational program designed to give moral and ethical interpretation to the civil rights struggle; interprets the work of the Association to organized religious groups of all faiths; enlists the support of such organized religious groups for membership, fundraising, and the struggle for equality and full civil rights; provides resource assistance for religious education and social action activities, associated with the improvement of race relations.

Life Membership Committee
The Membership Committee recruits new members and retain current ones. The Committee uses several methodologies to carry out this mission, such as notifying current members of their upcoming renewal date by mail, telephone and e-mail. Other recruiting efforts are carried out through membership drives in local churches and other venues.

Women in the NAACP (WIN)
Women in the NAACP (WIN) seeks to enhance the leadership role of women, serve as an advocacy vehicle for issues affecting women and children, and advocate for the positive development of children. If you want to join the new committee, click the link below.