2018 Meet the Candidates Night

2018 Meet the Candidates Night

The Cheltenham NAACP is hosting a combination event at it’s October regular assembly meeting.  It is a Meet the Candidates Event in which candidates will have an opportunity to discuss solutions to issues affecting our community. If you are interested in...

Four Scholarship Awarded to Area Seniors

Cheltenham chapter of the NAACP Awarded Four Scholarships to Area High School Graduating Seniors. They also expanded their student support activities by awarding two book awards to additional students who were starting or currently enrolled in a post-secondary school...
Installation of Officers

Installation of Officers

Cheltenham NAACP Officers Installed Cheltenham NAACP officers took their oath of office during their December 17 th meeting held at the LaMott Community Center Auditorium located at Willow and Sycamore Avenues, LaMott , PA. 19027 . Art Haywood, President of the...